Pouring Triple Tray Impressions
®          (using the Articulated Triple Tray System)

Recap and helpful hints:
       For the ATT System (
Articulated Triple Tray).

1. There is one Opposing_Base for the Upper and one for the Lower and it has its own unique opaque color of yellow and will work with all three sizes.

2. After pouring the Opposing, make sure the RTP Base (the one with die pins) is the same color and size of the Pin-Locator that it will replace for the final pour. If the same color is maintained, then the size will automatically be correct and the male/female hinge guarantees that the correct upper or lower gender is maintained.

3. The round acrylic stop-rods should be rounded slightly on the end where it meets the die surface of the adjacent base. A small contact point is preferred as it will still maintain the correct vertical dimension even if the models are slightly tilted or twisted.

4. The hinge arms can be heated with a small torch to remedy a bite problem. Leave the upper and lower attached to each other before starting the heating process. Be sure to heat both sides of each arm very slowly while moving the torch back and forth from one hinge arm to the other. Heating the right and left hinge arms on either the upper or lower should be sufficient. The plastic is injected at high temperature and under tons of pressure; therefore, air in the mold is squeezed down to a microscopic size. If you overheat the material, it will start bubbling in an effort to release the compressed air.

If you choose to heat the hinge to remedy a bite problem, it is suggested that you heat the hinge on the yellow Opposing_Base and not the RTP Base. This is necessary because you can always replace the Opposing_Base per instructions relating to "Repositioning the Opposing Model" mentioned earlier.

5. To clean out the small index holes on the bottom of the die surface, do the following: take a round, pointed tooth pick and dip it in water, drop the water onto the hole and use the pointed end of the tooth pick to work the water down into the hole and let it soak for a few seconds. Then take a high pressure air hose and blow the excess water out of the hole. This is the safest way to clean an index hole. We have been told that a high pressure steamer also provides satisfactory results.

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