Triple Tray Impressions Stalagmite® (using the Articulated Triple Tray System) Adding acrylic stop rods:
Stop-rods are shown on Bases without models for illustration purposes
only. There are notches at the anterior and posterior ends of all the RTP Bases. These notches are for round plastic-stop-rods to maintain the vertical relationship between the Upper and Lower Bases. A thin (.030" or .75mm) membrane needs to be removed with a small fissure bur to allow the rod (3/16" or 4.75mm) to pass through. Once in place, add a drop of super-glue to secure it to the base. A combination of designs can be used. Rods of one length or two rods meeting near the occlusal plane are examples shown above. If the square hinge-stop-rods are to be used to
maintain the vertical dimension at the posterior end, the upper stop-rod must
be in contact with the lower stop-rod to be effective.
Very often
there will be a slight gap between the two stop-rods or they will make contact prematurely.
The gap can be built up with glue or acrylic and ground in. If contact
is premature it can be ground in with a thin strip of articulating tape
until the teeth are in occlusal contact. |