Stalagmite®        Pouring Jig  (Pin-Locator markings and their meanings)


The Pin-Locator will always tell you which RTP_Base is needed. The above example is an upper Medium (green) Pin-Locator. The number in the middle is the RTP_Base number for an arch impression. The number on the left or right is the RTP_Base number for a quadrant impression. The second line of engraving denotes Upper or Lower and which side is Left or Right.

Using the above example: If you are pouring an upper right quadrant impression you would use an RTP-7 base (medium (green) upper right quadrant base). If you are pouring an upper arch impression you would use an RTP-8 base (medium (green) upper arch base).

For instructions and illustrations refer to the Home Page under section entitled "Using the System," and go to "Pouring Standard Impressions (using the Pouring Jig)."

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