Stalagmite® Pin
Drilling Machine Modification How to drill accurate holes for Reversible-Pins:
The picture above represents two varieties of Reversible-Pins. They work well in concert with the "drill" and "glue-pin" technique for preparing die models. Most pinhole drilling units can be modified to drill the extra hole needed for the Reversible-Pin. The method displayed here is only one of many ways this can be done. In addition, this method is quick and does not require any modification to the Whaledent Pindex® unit itself. Start by obtaining a piece of 12 gauge copper wire, and bend it in such a way as to allow it to lay in the grooves of the standard Pindex® unit. Then create a point that sticks up just behind the drill bit. The point must be machined to a diameter slightly smaller than the die hole being drilled. See picture below and next few pages.